Tyler Has Words is the blog of Tyler Patrick Wood, a writer/musician from Texas. You'll get free book excerpts twice a week. On the other days, you'll get words. If you would like an original take on everything by an expert on nothing, this might be a cool place to hang out.

About Nuts

About Nuts

Post 65:

            I always thought if I found what I really wanted in life and worked harder at it than everyone else, things would pan out. So far, not really. But the race doesn’t always go to the swift.

            If you’ve got an idea or a product, what’s the best way to get it out there? No matter what it is, you have to assume that most people will not want it or even if they do, they might not have time for it. They’ve got a life to live too, right?

            This post is as open-ended as they come. I’ve experienced pockets of success based on word-of-mouth, knowing a few people, yada yada…

            All of those things are important, but we’re talking about a quantum leap, a moment in time when you go from relative obscurity to massive popularity. I know there’s tons of manuals on how to make it big in whatever it is you’re doing, but based on personal experience, I’d say you’ve got to be a little bit nuts.

            A little bit nuts is the only way to go. There’s going to be outliers, people that are just so naturally good or people that have things handed to them on a golden platter. Those folks don’t concern me. They are useless to any discussion on the matter. God bless ‘em, but they’re no help to the people in the middle.

            The people in the middle are the interesting ones. Herein lies most everyone, and most everything you’ve ever read or heard or seen has come from one of these people. Geniuses are extremely rare: that’s why they’re called geniuses.

            So why do some in the middle break out and free, separating themselves from the pack? That’s the freaking question of the day, folks. I know one thing. You can always be better. It should drive you a little bit nuts that you’re not better this very moment and you should be striving or thinking about striving to be better because the very thought of you not being better drives you even more nuts…

            See what I mean. I can fervently say I’m a little bit nuts. Hope it works out. Otherwise I’m just a crazy person with an empty bank account. Crazy and successful is hip. Crazy and poor is just pathetic. Cheers maniacs. And check out my book posts. Perfectly crafted for the short attention span. Trust me, I have the same problem.

            See you after. 

About Henry Fellows (Continued)

About Henry Fellows (Continued)

About Henry Fellows (continued)

About Henry Fellows (continued)